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Self Esteem Clothing Can Go a Long Way to Build YOur Body Image and Self Esteem

Biologically, the person can be characterized by physical attributes such as sex, age, height, weight, body build, and race. As a result they will develop a perception of how others might see them and hence their level of self esteem may be affected. For most of us clothing is an important part of our identity and has been found to give us a sense of wellbeing and an added quality of life. Clothing can therefore have a very positive or negative effect on ones self esteem and how we perceive that others see us.

Often it is those with a high self esteem who don;t really cae what they wear, or perhaps it is their mood that reflects which clothes they choose to wear to make them feel good. If someone is suffering from low self esteem, promoting body image by choosing the right clothes, in addition to other practices to strengthen self esteem can have a significant effect on their confidence. There are many different fashions of self esteem clothing to suit all tastes, shapes and sizes. What is important is that the person is confident with what they choose to wear and with their body shape because one of the main aims with regard to improving ones self esteem is to better ones confidence. Studies have shown that high self esteem can be satisfied through the right clothing and clothing is a major aspect of personal appearance. "As an extension of the body, clothing can affect body image perception and functions to strengthen or weaken the body-image boundary.

Clothing acts as a "second skin" in establishing the physical boundaries of the self" (Horn, 1968). Here are some key pointers with regard to wearing self esteem clothing: - Wear self esteem clothing with confidence. What is very important once you have the right clothing is how you behave and put yourself across to others. Self esteem clothing must help you in developing some kind of inner self worth.

The more people notice how balanced, confident and interesting you are, the more they are likely to follow you. - Make sure you choose something that reflects your high self esteem but that you are comfortable wearing it. You will then attract those of a similar state of mind and with confidence and your mood will be lifted.

- Have knowledge of your body type. Today there is a wide choice of clothing to suit all body sizes in most sizes and choosing the right style to suit you can have a huge impact on your selfconfidence. Don't try and fit into sizes that are too small just because it is 'the trend'. If you are unsure, seek advice or search on the internet as it may be that you have been choosing wrong all along.

If you are wearing the correct self esteem clothing your body type should always be complimented. - Express yourself through your clothes, the key is to express confidence through what you wear from head to toe that also includes your feet! Don't be afraid to experiment. You might not get it right first time but clothes are much cheaper today that they ever were so splash out on something new that you can experiment with. Once you feel confident in what you are wearing the inner you will shine through and you can have fun and confidence, no matter what you wear.

Wearing self esteem clothing is just one of the building blocks on the ways to improve self esteem. To see what other factors can help with regard to improving self esteem visit

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